Disaster Preparedness
Listos California has several different ways that you can interactively prepare for a disaster. These include a week-long text messaging program, a 20-minute interactive experience, a link to FEMA training, and more. More information with clickable links to the various programs are below.
- Various resources in over 20 languages can be found here.
- Text Messaging Program
- Signing up for text messages from Listos will provide you with one text per day, sent at a time you choose, over the course of a week. At the end of that week, you will learn how to complete five steps to protect you and your loved ones. Click here to sign up for text messages from Listos.
- 20-Minute, 5-Step, Interactive Experience
- This interactive program teaches Californians about the role they play in their own safety and why THEY are the BEST person to help themselves, and their families, prepare for a disaster. Click here to start the interactive experience.
- 20-Hour FEMA Certified Community Emergency Response Team Certification Training
- This program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area, while training them in basic disaster response skills. Click here to enroll in the FEMA Training.
- 8-Hour Listos Basic Emergency and Disaster Readiness Public Education Program
- Listos explains that the goal of this program is "..to provide vulnerable populations with information about the importance of disaster readiness that includes the sharing of preparedness skills and information with family and friends. The curriculum emphasizes targeted recruitment and presentations tailored to the specific cultural and linguistic needs of the target communities." Click here to learn more about the program and enroll.

image provided by: https://www.oaklandcpandr.org/listos/